Letter to Ella Walsh(daugher of William Leonard and Julia Barry) in New Jersey, from Margaret Barry in Middleton, Ireland, dated March 18th, 1904:

My Dear Ella,

   I received your welcome letter of January 25th, and was delighted to hear from you.  Also, a likeness of your little daughter, and fancy that, she has a likeness of your mother, and that will do no harm to be like her.  The letter you say that you sent me never got it.  Was glad to hear that John and Eliza are well.  You wants to know about brother Patrick's Family.  Ella and her Mother went to live in Dublin to be near Redmond and rented their house in Cork.  She got Rheumatic gout and was laid up for years.  She died 12 months ago and Ella is still there in Dublin.  She has 300 a year out of her Father's property(unreadable).  Willie got married and his wife died and left one girl.  She is at Lion Hill Convent in Dublin and is very clever.  She gets honours at her examinations.  Willie is in Wales and doing very well.  He is a very clever doctor.  He sent me Christmas card.  Their daughter goes to Wales at vacation.  Redmond is married to an English lady and is a (unreadable).  He is on the (unreadable) in Cork at present.  Has one son, Patrick Redmond.  Now about myself.  Gets my health very well according to my great age.  Give my kindest love to John's wife, boys, (unreadable) children, to your dear husband and children, and remain ever your affectionate aunt, Margaret.  My intellect is quite clear, which is a great blessing for my great age.  Had a letter this morning from Ella Barry.  She writes regular.



Another lettter, this one dated July 4th, 1905:

My dear Ella,

   I received your letter of June 20th, and was very glad that you were well also.  W. Walsh said his sight is improved.  When John wrote he said W. Walsh's sight was not well.  Had a letter then from Lizzie and when writing to John said that I would write to Lizzie in a few days got (unreadable) on my hands and was not able.  She wondered that got no letter from me.  She wrote again dated May 24, when my hands got better wrote on the 18th of May so the two letters one going and coming when John wrote he said that the farm was to be sold and the money divided between ye.  Did not hear about since and that it was to be auctioned and hope that it realized something handsome.  Mother's means was divided among the children and Michael's children got their father's part divided among them.  Mother had very good means and I suppose that Father's was a great deal.  As it does not serve you to go to Mother's grave do not go often.  What about your eldest boy.  He must be a young man now.   Am glad that Mary(?) is keeping her situation.  Now about myself.  Am very well according to my great age, and completed my 86 year the 5th of June and able to go every morning to eight o'clock mass.  Kindest love to W. Walsh and all their children, and remain your affectionate aunt, Margaret.  Goodbye, God bless ye all.