Will of
Barent Van Buren
Born 1695
October 11, 1769
In the name of God Amen, the eleventh day of October in the year of our Lord
Christ, one thousand and seven hundred and sixty-nine, I , Barent Van Buren of
the Klyne Kill in the Precincts of Kinderhook in the County of Albany, Yoeman,
being in good health of body and of perfect mind and memory praised be Almighty
God therefore and knowing 'tis appointed for all men once to die do make this my
last will and testament to say first I commend my soul into the hands of
Almighty God and my body to the Earth to be buried at the discretion of my
Executors hereafter named in hoped of a joyful resurrection and touching my
worldly estate where with God has been pleased to bless me in this life I give,
devise and dispose of the same in the following manner and form. Imprimis, it is
my will and I do order that in the first place all my just debts and funeral
charges be paid and satisfied out of my Estate.
Item, I give and bequeath unto my son Francis the sum of twenty-eight shillings
in lieu stead and bar of all right and claim he can make to my estate either
real or personal (otherwise than is hereinafter given to him) by right of
primogeniture and as being my eldest son.
Item, I give unto my son Francis all that certain farm whereon he now lives with
its appurtenances within the following limitations (to wit) beginning at a white
oak tree marked on the South side therefor with three cuts of an axe and on the
North side with two and blazed on the East and West sides standing on a steep
hill on the west side of said farm thence running Eastward to a small swampoak
tree also marked with three cuts of an axe on the South side and two on the
North and blazed on the East and West sides standing on the West side of said
Klyne Kill, and so to extend easting from said swampoak tree and westing from
the said white oak tree so far as my rightful claim East and West on the South
side of the line extends and so with the extent in groose or body to extend from
the said line southing to the division line between me and Robert Livingston,
Deceased, to hold the said farm unto him the said Francis his heirs and Assigns
Item, I give unto my son Pieter all that certain farm whereon I now live, with
its appurtances within the following boundaries (to wit) beginning at the
aforesaid white oak tree and Easting to the aforesaid swampoak tree and so also
to extend easting and then westing so far as my rightful claim extends and then
to begin at the Northeast corner of my aforesaid claim hereby given to my said
son Francis and to stretch from the said corner northing to a white oak tree
marked with two cuts of an axe on the South side and one on North and blazed on
the east and west sides thence westing to a maple tree marked with the like
marks as the said white oak tree, which said maple tree stands on the west side
of said Klyne Kill, then northing along the said Kill on the Eastern side
thereof to a water brook boon also marked with the like marks of said oak tree,
then west to a white oak tree standing on the west side of the fence also marked
with like marks of said oak tree and so extending west so far as my claim
extends and so in groose or body to extend southing to the North bounds of the
aforesaid farm by me hereby given to my said son Francis his Heirs and Assigns
forever, To Have and To Hold this said farm whereon I now live with its
appurtances as by me described unto him my said Son Peter, his heirs and Assigns
Item, I give to my son Harmer all that farm whereon he now lives with its
appurtances within the following limitations (to wit) beginning at the
aforementioned marked white oak tree standing on the west side of the aforesaid
fence then East to the aforesaid water brook boom marked as aforesaid, then
South to the aforementioned maple tree marked as aforesaid standing on the East
side of said Klyne Kill, then East to the white oak tree with the like marks as
the said maple tree, thence northward to the east end of the division or
partition line settled between me and Johannis Dirckie Vosburgh, and as
extending westerly along the said line as the same runs westing as far as my
claim extends and then southing in groose or body to the aforesaid farm by me
this day given to my said son Peter his Heirs and Assigns forever, to Have and
To Hold the said farm whereon my son Harmer lives with the appurtances unto him
the said Harmer his heirs and Assigns forever.
Item, I give also unto my three aforesaid Sons Francis, Peter and Harmer and
unto their respective Heirs and Assigns forever each one undivided their part of
all the remainder of my Estate whatsoever and wheresoever the same now is or at
any time or times hereafter shall and may be found justly belonging unto me inn
particular my claims in the General patent of Kinderhook also in the patented
called Sackenda also in the patented land including Antonys Noose and also in
the patent of lands called Oossodosers to be holden by the said Francis, Peter
and Harmer each one undivided thirds to them and their respective Heirs and
Assigns for ever hereby willing and ordering that my said three sons their heirs
shall pay or cause to be paid to my Grand Son Leonard Bronck or his Heirs the
sum of one hundred and fifty pounds New York money within one year after the
decease of my dearly beloved wife Mary, that is to say by Francis or his Heirs
Fifty pounds, by Peter or his Heirs fifty pounds, and by Harmer or his Heirs
fifty pounds, hereby further willing and expressly ordering that my said wife
Mary shall have her choice of my wench slaves to serve her during her life time
and that my said wife Mary shall be provided with and have for her comfort and
support in her old age all such necessaries as her age may require by my
aforenamed three Sons, Francis, Peter and Harmer, or by their respective heirs
and that its had be left in the choice of her my said wife Mary to live in house
with whom of my said Sons as she thinks proper for her own comfort.
And lastly I do hereby constitute, make and ordain my said three Sons, Francis,
Peter and Harmer Executors of this my last will and testament, hereby revoking
all former will and wills testament and testaments heretofore by me made ratify
and confirming this to be my last will and testament. For Witness whereof I have
hereunto set my had and seal the day and year first above written.
Barent Van Buren
Registered August 1, 1787
From History of Cornelis Maes Van Buren by H. C.
Peckham, (c)1913.